Slav Defence
- 1
Exchange Variation - 4.Bg5!?
- 2
Exchange Variation - 4.Nc3 - Rare Lines
- 3
Exchange Variation - 4.Nc3 - 8.Nge2
- 4
Exchange Variation - 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Nf3 - Rare Lines
- 5
Exchange Variation - 3.cxd5 cxd5 - 6.Nf3 and 7.Rc1
- 6
Tricky Options - 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3!?
- 7
Tricky Options - 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Qc2
- 8
Tricky Options - 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Qb3
- 9
Tricky Options - 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nbd2
- 10
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 4...g6
- 11
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 4...Bf5!?
- 12
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 4...Bf5 - Sidelines
- 13
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 6.Nh4 Be4!? - With 0-0
- 14
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 6.Nh4 Be4!? - With 0-0-0
- 15
Quiet Variation (4.e3) - 6.Nh4 Be4!? - Other Ideas
- 16
Three Knights Variation (4.Nc3) - 4...dxc4 - Sidelines
- 17
Three Knights Variation (4.Nc3) - 4...dxc4 5.e4!? b5
- 18
Three Knights Variation (4.Nc3) - 5.a4 Bf5 - Nh4 ideas
- 19
Three Knights Variation (4.Nc3) - 5.a4 Bf5 6.e3 - Quiet Lines
- 20
Three Knights Variation (4.Nc3) - 5.a4 Bf5 6.e3 - Main Line
- 21
6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.Nxc4 Qc7 - Sidelines
- 22
7...Qc7 - 9.g3 - 11th move options for White
- 23
7...Qc7 - 9.g3 - 11...f6
- 24
7...Qc7 - 9.g3 - 11...g5 12.Nxe5 and 12.Bxe5
- 25
7...Qc7 - 9.g3 - 11...g5 12.Ne3 - Main Line
- 26
6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.Nxc4 Nb6 - Sidelines
- 27
7...Nb6 8.Ne5 a5 - 9.Bg5, 9.Rg1, 9.h4
- 28
7...Nb6 8.Ne5 a5 - 9.e3
- 29
7...Nb6 8.Ne5 a5 - 9.g3
- 30
7...Nb6 8.Ne5 a5 - 9.f3
Slav Defence.